Flappy Bird Unblocked

Flappy Bird
Games Casual by Dong Nguyen

Flappy Bird Unblocked, a simple yet addictive game, tests your reflexes as you navigate through gaps. Its minimalist design and one-touch gameplay make it accessible to all ages.


In Flappy Bird, the player controls a bird, attempting to fly between columns of green pipes without hitting them. The game requires the player to tap the screen to make the bird flap its wings and rise. If the bird collides with a pipe or the ground, the game ends. The objective is to survive as long as possible and score points based on the distance covered before crashing.


The primary control mechanism in Flappy Bird Unblocked is the tap. Players must tap the screen to make the bird flap its wings and ascend. Tapping again allows the bird to descend. This simple control scheme makes the game accessible to players of all ages while providing a challenging experience.


  • Practice Makes Perfect: The more you play, the better you get at timing your taps. Practice helps in mastering the art of navigating through the pipes.
  • Avoid Overflapping: While it might seem like flapping more will help you clear the gap, overflapping actually makes it harder to navigate through the next set of pipes.
  • Stay Calm: The game can be frustratingly difficult, but staying calm and not getting too upset over a few lost lives can improve your performance.


  • Accessibility: With its simple graphics and easy-to-understand mechanics, Flappy Bird Unblocked is accessible to players of all ages.
  • Addictive Gameplay: Despite its simplicity, the game offers a highly addictive experience due to its difficulty curve and the satisfaction of achieving a high score.
  • Community Engagement: The game sparked a massive online community, with numerous forums and social media groups dedicated to sharing high scores and strategies.


  • Difficulty Curve: While the initial stages are relatively easy, the game becomes increasingly difficult as the player progresses, which can be frustrating for some.
  • Lack of Variety: The game lacks variety in terms of environments and obstacles, which could potentially lead to boredom for some players after extended play sessions.
  • Controversy: The sudden removal of the game from app stores due to its popularity and the negative publicity surrounding it may have left a sour taste for some players.


  • Casual Game
  • Mobile Game
  • Endless Runner
  • High Score Challenge
  • Simple Mechanics


Flappy Bird Unblocked was developed by Dong Nguyen, also known as “Gege,” who is a Vietnamese software engineer. The game was published by.GE Games, a subsidiary of Gameloft, a French video game publisher based in Paris.