Geometry Dash Unblocked

Geometry Dash
Casual Games Puzzle by Griffpatch

Geometry Dash Unblocked is an award-winning platformer game series known for its challenging levels, vibrant graphics, and addictive gameplay. The game requires players to navigate through a series of increasingly difficult obstacles while avoiding hazards and collecting coins. It’s praised for its innovative mechanics, such as the ability to jump and fly, which adds depth to the gameplay.


In Geometry Dash, players control a square character that automatically jumps when it hits the ground. The goal is to reach the end of each level without touching any obstacles. Players must time their jumps perfectly to avoid collisions. The game features a wide variety of levels, each with its own unique set of challenges and obstacles. Some levels introduce new mechanics, such as portals, spikes, and enemies, adding complexity to the gameplay.


The controls in Geometry Dash Unblocked are simple yet precise. Players only need to press the spacebar to make the square character jump. Timing is crucial; jumping too early or too late can result in failure. The game also includes a feature called “Robo Recall,” where players can recall the square back to the starting position after failing a level, allowing them to retry instantly.


  • Practice makes perfect: Spend extra time on difficult levels to master the timing and learn the patterns of the obstacles.
  • Use checkpoints wisely: Checkpoints allow you to restart from specific points in the level, saving time and frustration.
  • Experiment with different strategies: Sometimes, taking a different path or approaching a challenge from a new angle can lead to success.


  • Challenging and rewarding: Each level offers a new challenge, making the game highly replayable.
  • Innovative mechanics: The combination of jumping and flying provides a unique experience compared to other platformers.
  • Community-driven: Players can create and share their own levels, contributing to a vast library of content.


  • Steep learning curve: The difficulty can be overwhelming for newcomers, potentially leading to frustration.
  • Limited customization options: While the game is visually appealing, customization options for the character and environment are somewhat limited.


  • Platformer
  • Puzzle
  • Endless Runner
  • Rhythm
  • Singleplayer


Geometry Dash Unblocked was developed and published by Robert Topala, an independent developer who has since become well-known within the gaming community for his work on the series.