Portal Unblocked

Flash Games by Ido Tal

Portal Unblocked is a unique puzzle-platformer video game, known for its innovative gameplay mechanics and engaging narrative. The game was released in October 2007 and quickly gained critical acclaim for its creative use of physics-based puzzles and immersive storytelling.


At the heart of Portal Unblocked lies a series of challenging puzzles that require players to manipulate portals to navigate through levels filled with obstacles and hazards. Players must use two types of portals: a blue portal that transports objects and players to the location where the other portal is placed, and an orange portal that does the same but in reverse. This mechanic allows for creative problem-solving and requires players to think in ways they haven’t before.


The controls in Portal Unblocked are straightforward yet precise, allowing players to move around the environment, place portals, and interact with objects. Players primarily control Chell, the game’s protagonist, using a combination of keyboard and mouse inputs. The simplicity of the controls enhances the focus on puzzle-solving rather than combat or complex movements.


To master Portal’s puzzles, players should practice patience and experimentation. It’s often helpful to visualize the outcome of portal placements before actually placing them. Additionally, understanding the properties of the game’s physics engine—such as momentum and gravity—can provide insights into solving more complex puzzles.


  • Innovative Gameplay: Portal Unblocked introduces a unique concept of teleportation puzzles that keeps players engaged and challenged.
  • Engaging Narrative: The game’s story, told through environmental storytelling and voice acting, adds depth and humor to the experience.
  • Accessibility: Despite its complexity, Portal’s controls are simple enough for anyone to pick up and play, making it accessible to a wide audience.


  • Puzzle Platformer
  • Physics-Based Puzzles
  • First-Person Puzzles
  • Innovative Mechanics